At this point in the year, you’re probably falling into one of two categories: you just bought your latest Harley-Davidson® motorcycle and you’re looking to keep it ultra-shiny for as long as possible, or you just pulled your bike out of storage and need to get some of the dust off. Either way, it sounds like your wheels are in need of a good spit shine. Crystal Harley-Davidson® is here to help wash your bike with some tips and tricks we’ve picked up over the years. For more help, stop by our location in Homosassa, Florida, near New Port Richey, Spring Hill, and St. Petersburg, and chat with one of our friendly staff.

Gather Up Your Supplies

Before you get started and realize you’ve forgotten some things, take a moment to gather everything you’ll need from start to finish. This should include:

  • Owner’s manual
  • Motorcycle cleaning detergent
  • Sponges
  • Brushes
  • A bucket
  • A water source
  • Chamois
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Toothbrush (not the one you use on your teeth)

Part of your preparation should also include finding a good place to work. You’ll probably want a spot where you can’t get water all over something you don’t want getting wet, and somewhere that gives you some space to move. But be careful about working in direct sunlight, as this can lead to quick drying and throw off some of your work.

Finally, find something to plug your exhaust, especially if yours is positioned at an upward angle. You don’t want water to pool inside the pipe.

Hose Down the Bike

Now it’s time to hose down the bike. Getting the ride wet before starting your work can make the next step easier and even spray off some of the top layers of dirt and grime. Keep in mind you might need to re-hose your bike as you work and the moisture starts to dry.

Scrub a Dub Dub

Now it’s time to scrub the motorcycle with those brushes and sponges you’ve got. Remember that scrubbing too hard in any one area can actually damage paint, so slow and steady wins this race. Rinse off your sponges and brushes as needed so you’re not transferring dirt around the bike. Pull out that toothbrush when you need to get into tough crevices. You probably won’t be able to avoid getting water and soap on things like chains and other mechanical parts, but try to avoid it and don’t scrub these parts.

Rinse and Dry

Rinse as you go so as to avoid collecting dried on soap scum, but also give your bike one final hose-down at the very end. Now hang on, you’re not ready to take a break. Air drying can create streaks, so you want to immediately start drying off your ride using a dry cloth or chamois. If you find there are still areas you can reach using this method, you can pull out a hair dryer or compressed air canister (add these to your list of supplies) to quickly blow dry these hard-to-reach places. 

Finishing Touches

Now it’s time to circle back to the chains. Take a moment to relubricate them so they’re ready for smooth travel. You can also take a moment to polish and wax (add these to your list of supplies) to give your ride that extra bit of shine and protection.

This should give you a starting point for washing your bike, but at the end of the day, you’re going to know your Harley-Davidson® motorcycle the best. Tailor your bike washing to fit your bike. Don’t have the wheels yet? Then stop by Crystal Harley-Davidson® and we’ll give you a complete tour of available options. We proudly serve Homosassa, New Port Richey, Spring Hill, and St. Petersburg, Florida.